Useful hints for editing Word documents

I'll add to the list little by little as I find out as I edit.

February 26. 2025


View paragraph marks

Home - click the bold P which points to the left


Export Word to PDF

File - Export - Create PDF/XPS
Another window opens, and then see the Options below: Publish what: include non-printing information - Create bookmarks using: Headings - OK - Publish.

This only applies for the Holy Scriptures, Word of God, not for the brochures: the brochures have no bookmarks. The Bookmarks are already created, but it should always be checked, whether this option is selected, because then, the PDF will definitely have bookmarks. 


View Bookmarks in Word

View - click the check box: Navigation Pane Show


Finding Words

Use the Search bar on top and write: find. When you see the Navigation window and bar, you enter for example: Word of God.
The Programme will show you the results. You can switch between Pages and Results.


Replace Function

The Replace Function should be used carefully. One can make many mistakes. If a mistake happened, go to the arrow on the upper left corner: Undo.


Replacing words

Go to the Search bar on top: Write: replace. A window opens.
You can enter for example:

Find what: word of God (word lowercase) 

Replace with: Word of God (Word capitalized) 

on the left side below, see: More

You can chose: Match Case

You should practice with it a little. Better don`t chose the option Replace all. This is my recommendation. Advance one by one, If you want to work like this. I will work through the Holy Scriptures, if God Will, Book by Book, Gospel by Gospel, Epistle by Epistle, page by page, not using the replace function. So, it could even take years, or I don`t change anything. If you use the replace function, maybe you don`t read anymore. When you work one by one through every page, then you read and think about God`s Word. This brings Joy and you have the Best Meat / Bread and the Most Precious Water Ever: Living Water, and you are also working with it (eating and drinking it). It will bring you much peace and Peace with God.


Romans 5
THEREFORE being justified by Faith, we have Peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:


Revelation 22

17 And the Spirit and the Bride say, Come. And let him
that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come.
And whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life

Technical help for Notebook usage

Two or more windows on the Notebook Screen

If you work with two windows, it is often easier. At the top right corner between - and x is a double window sign, you have to point to it with the mouse and then wait for the menu to open. Then you can work with multiple windows.

Making Notes

In Google Chrome browser and if you are logged in with your Google account, you can use Google Keep. Simply search for Google Keep and you will be automatically logged in there. There you can enter your own text or other text, that you copied to the clipboard before: 

Using Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl + A 

Select all text.

Ctrl + C

Copy the selected text.

Ctrl + V

Paste the last item from the clipboard (a text for example).